CSS Pseudo Elements: Enhancing Your Web Design

CSS Pseudo Elements are a powerful tool in web design that allows you to style specific parts of an element. They are denoted by a double colon ::. It’s important to note that although you may sometimes come across pseudo-elements with a single colon, using two colons is the recommended syntax to distinguish them from pseudo-classes. The most commonly used pseudo-elements are ::before and ::after, which are used to add content before or after an element, such as icons....

Exploring the HTML `iframe` Tag

Learn the essentials of using the HTML iframe tag The HTML iframe tag enables us to embed content from other sites into our web pages. This tag creates a separate browsing context, ensuring that the content within the iframe does not interfere with the parent page. JavaScript and CSS elements are contained within the iframe and do not spill over to the parent page. Many websites utilize iframes for various purposes....

How I Prototype a Web Page: A Step-by-Step Guide

Prototyping web pages is an essential part of my workflow when working on projects. Whether it’s a blog redesign or a landing page for a new project, I follow a simple and efficient process. In this article, I will share my preferred method and tools for web page prototyping. Using Tailwind for Prototyping To build prototypes, I find Tailwind CSS to be a powerful choice. It provides a utility-first CSS framework that allows me to quickly create and customize components....

Scaling HTML Elements with CSS: A Guide on Resizing

In web design, there may be instances where you find the need to adjust the size of an element to achieve the desired layout. Fortunately, CSS offers a convenient property called “zoom” that allows you to scale HTML elements effortlessly. To make an element smaller, you can assign a value less than 1 to the zoom property. For example, if you want to reduce an element to half its original size, you can set the zoom value to 0....