How to Determine the Type of a Value in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are various built-in types such as numbers, strings, booleans, and objects. You might often encounter situations where you need to determine the type of a value. Fortunately, JavaScript provides us with the typeof operator to accomplish this task. To use the typeof operator, simply write the keyword typeof followed by the value or variable you want to check. Let’s take a closer look at how this works:...

How to Properly Check if a JavaScript Object Property is Undefined

When writing JavaScript code, it is important to know the correct way to check if an object property is undefined. The most reliable method to accomplish this is by using the typeof operator. Let me guide you through the process with this easy explanation. To check if an object property is undefined, you simply utilize the typeof operator. This operator returns a string that represents the type of the given operand....

JavaScript typeof Operator

In JavaScript, every value has an assigned type. To determine the type of a variable, we can use the typeof operator, which returns a string representing the variable’s type. Here are a few examples of using the typeof operator: typeof 1; //'number' typeof '1'; //'string' typeof {name: 'Flavio'}; //'object' typeof [1, 2, 3]; //'object' typeof true; //'boolean' typeof undefined; //'undefined' typeof (() => {}); //'function' typeof Symbol(); //'symbol' It’s interesting to note that JavaScript doesn’t have a specific “function” type....