How to Check Types in JavaScript without Using TypeScript

If you’re familiar with TypeScript, you know that it’s a language introduced by Microsoft that adds types to JavaScript. While TypeScript can be beneficial, especially for larger projects, it may not always be the best choice for beginners or for those who prefer to stick to the fundamentals of the Web Platform. However, there are times when having types in JavaScript can be helpful. Fortunately, there is a way to add types to JavaScript without using TypeScript, and it involves using VS Code....

How to Determine the Type of a Value in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are various built-in types such as numbers, strings, booleans, and objects. You might often encounter situations where you need to determine the type of a value. Fortunately, JavaScript provides us with the typeof operator to accomplish this task. To use the typeof operator, simply write the keyword typeof followed by the value or variable you want to check. Let’s take a closer look at how this works:...

React PropTypes: Enforcing Type Checking for Props

When working with JavaScript, enforcing the type of a variable at compile time can be challenging because of its dynamic nature. Passing invalid types can lead to runtime errors or unexpected behavior if the types are compatible but not what we expect. However, React offers a solution to this problem through PropTypes. With PropTypes, we can specify the required types for props, and our tools (such as editors and linters) can detect type errors before running the code....