A List of Sample Web App Ideas

Every time I start a tutorial, I find myself wondering which app I should build. Another to-do app? Not again! If you’re reading this post, you’re probably looking for an idea for a simple app that you can use in your tutorial or example project to test a new framework or API. But it can be challenging to find something that really resonates with you. In this post, I’ve compiled a list of app ideas that are simple enough to build, yet complex enough to be worth doing....

How to Build an SEO-Friendly React Counter

In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of building a simple counter using React. Not only will we cover the implementation, but we will also ensure that our code follows SEO best practices. To get started, we will be using Codepen. You can begin by forking the React template pen. In Codepen, there is no need to import React and ReactDOM as they are already included in the scope....

Simplifying JavaScript Public Class Fields

Introduction This blog post will guide you through the new JavaScript public class fields, providing a simple tutorial on how to use them. In the past, creating a public class field required instantiating the field in the constructor. However, with the introduction of the class fields proposal, available in Chrome 72 and Node 12, a new and simpler syntax is now available. Let’s dive in and explore how to use this feature effectively....