Review of the book The 4-Hour Work Week: A Senior Developer's Perspective

In this blog post, I will share my review and key takeaways from the book “The 4-Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss. As a senior developer, I will provide a technical perspective and share how this book has influenced my own experiences and observations. Would I recommend this book? Absolutely Book rating 5/5 There are countless books out there, but “The 4-Hour Work Week” has had a profound impact on me....

Some Days Are More Productive Than Others: Embracing the Ups and Downs

As a creator, I’ve come to understand that not all days and hours are created equal. Despite my best efforts to stick to a rigid schedule, there are times when certain hours prove to be more productive than others. This realization has allowed me to embrace the ebb and flow of my productivity rather than fight against it. For instance, after lunch, I’ve noticed that the following 2-3 hours can often feel unproductive, depending on what I eat....

The Downsides of Freelancing: Why it's Not a Long-Term Strategy

Note: This blog post reflects my personal opinion about freelancing and is not a critique of freelancing in general. It focuses on the drawbacks I have observed from my own experience and why I believe freelancing is better suited for starting an independent lifestyle rather than as a long-term career strategy. Having worked as a freelancer and contractor for ten years from 2008 to 2018, I’ve come to understand the nuances that differentiate the two terms....

Tips for Effective Learning

As developers and software engineers, continuous learning is an essential part of our lives. With the ever-evolving technology landscape, it’s crucial to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. In this blog post, we will explore some strategies that can help you learn faster and more effectively. Overcoming Procrastination Procrastination can hinder your ability to learn effectively. It’s important to identify the factors that contribute to your procrastination and find ways to overcome them....

Tips for Improving Productivity as a Developer or Writer

Being productive is a common goal for many developers and writers. People often wonder how others manage to accomplish so much. In my case, I have created multiple free technical ebooks, published a blog post every day for over 400 days, and developed several online courses within just 9 months. While I don’t consider myself naturally productive, I have learned a few valuable strategies that have helped me stay focused and efficient....