A Quick Guide to the Linux `who` Command: Showing Logged-in Users

The who command is an essential tool for displaying the users logged in to the Linux system. Whether you are using a personal computer or a server with multiple users, this command provides valuable information about active sessions. In most cases, as a single user on a personal computer, you will likely be the only one logged in. However, if you have opened multiple shells or terminal windows, each instance will be counted as a separate access, and who will display these details accordingly....

Linux commands: alias

In this article, we will explore the alias command, which is used to create shortcuts to other commands. This can be incredibly useful when you frequently use specific command options or combinations. Let’s consider the ls command as an example. By default, it provides minimal information. However, if you use the -al option, it will display more comprehensive information, including the file modification date, size, owner, permissions, and hidden files (files starting with a ....

Linux Commands: whoami

In this guide, we will explore the whoami command, which is used to print the current user name. This command works on Linux, macOS, WSL, and any UNIX environment. How to Use the whoami Command To print the user name currently logged in to the terminal session, simply type whoami and press Enter. Here’s an example: $ whoami john_doe Note: The whoami command should not be confused with the who am i command, which provides more detailed information....