Exploring SwiftUI: A Paradigm Shift in Apple Development

As a senior developer with a background in React, I recently embarked on a serious journey to learn SwiftUI, Apple’s modern UI framework for iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and watchOS. While I had dabbled with it in the past, I decided to give it another shot and dive deeper. My experience thus far has led me to some interesting observations. At first glance, SwiftUI bears a striking resemblance to React. From its declarative UIs to its embrace of immutability and data-driven UI changes, many of the core concepts introduced by React are present in SwiftUI....

Introduction to SwiftUI: A Modern Approach to App Development

SwiftUI is a revolutionary framework that has changed the way we develop iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and macOS applications. It introduces a paradigm shift by rendering many existing Apple frameworks, such as UIKit, AppKit, and WatchKit, obsolete. The traditional approach followed by these frameworks is imperative, where developers manually define every aspect of the user interface (UI) and handle user events and data updates. In contrast, SwiftUI is reactive, meaning the UI seamlessly reflects the state of the data without the need for explicit connections....

SwiftUI Forms: A Guide to Building User Input Interfaces

When it comes to building user input interfaces in SwiftUI, there are several form controls that can be utilized. These controls are similar to the ones found in the Settings app on your iPhone. With SwiftUI, you can leverage built-in form controls such as TextField, Toggle, Picker, and more. To create a form in SwiftUI, simply enclose the form controls within a Form view: Form { // Form controls go here } By wrapping the controls in a Form view, SwiftUI recognizes that it is a form and automatically presents it in a way that conforms to the platform you are running it on (iPhone, Mac, Watch, etc....

SwiftUI Forms: Exploring TextField

In this article, we will dive into SwiftUI forms and explore the usage of the TextField control. TextField is a form control that allows users to input text. It can be used to display text and enable user interaction for data entry. Let’s start with a basic example of a TextField: struct ContentView: View { @State private var name = "" var body: some View { Form { TextField("", text: $name) } } } In the above code snippet, we declare a TextField within a Form....

SwiftUI Forms: Picker - Choosing Options Made Easy

In SwiftUI, the Picker is a popular form control that allows users to choose an option from a list of possibilities. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the Picker view effectively. To start, we need an array that contains the options we want to display. Let’s assume we have an array called cities that contains the names of various cities: var cities = ["Rome", "Milan", "Venice", "Florence"] Next, we need a property to store the selected choice....

SwiftUI forms: Slider

The Slider form control in SwiftUI allows us to create a bar that the user can swipe left or right to decrease or increase its value. To initialize a Slider, we need to set three parameters: value, in, and step: @State private var age: Double = 0 //... Slider(value: $age, in: 0...100, step: 1) The in parameter determines the minimum and maximum values allowed for the Slider. The step parameter indicates the increment value....

SwiftUI Forms: Toggle

In this blog post, we will explore another essential form control in SwiftUI: the Toggle. The Toggle is commonly used in applications like the Settings app. It allows users to switch between two states. Let’s take a look at an example of how to use the Toggle control: struct ContentView: View { @State private var enabled = true var body: some View { Form { Toggle("Enable?", isOn: $enabled) } } } In the above code snippet, we have a Toggle view inside a Form....

SwiftUI: Exploring the List View

The List view is an essential component in SwiftUI that allows you to display a collection of views in a vertical scrolling list. It offers great flexibility and customization options for presenting data in a structured manner. To create a basic list, you start by initializing a List with a closure where you can add child views. For example: List { Text("Hello, SwiftUI!") } In this example, a single Text view is added as a child of the List, and it will be displayed in a row within the list....

SwiftUI: Formatting Decimals in Text View

When using the Slider view to select a value in SwiftUI, we often encounter an issue when displaying the value in a Text view. By default, the value is displayed as a decimal, even when a step value of 1 is used. For example, the number 34 appears as 34.000000. To format the value and display it without the decimal places, we can utilize the specifier parameter when interpolating the value in the Text view....

SwiftUI: Mastering Stacks and Groups

In SwiftUI, creating an app usually involves more than just a single view, such as a basic “Hello World” app. To add multiple views, you need to use stacks. There are three types of stacks in SwiftUI: HStack, VStack, and ZStack. The Hello World app initially looks like this: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello World") } } If you try to add a second Text view directly within the ContentView struct, like this:...