Choosing the Right Tech Stack: Balancing Familiarity and Exploration

When it comes to building a new app, you are faced with a decision: stick to what you already know or venture into unfamiliar territory. It’s a dilemma that many developers encounter, as they navigate between becoming a total expert in one technology or having a broader understanding of various technologies. Opting for the stack you know best, such as sticking with React if you are already familiar with it, may seem like the safest and most convenient choice....

Getting started with Svelte - a short tutorial

In this tutorial, we will explore how to get started with Svelte, a JavaScript framework that offers a unique approach to building web applications. Unlike other frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular, Svelte compiles your app beforehand. This means that your site visitors don’t need to download the framework and library code, resulting in a smoother user experience with lower bandwidth usage. Just like using Hugo as a static site generator, where the generated pages are plain HTML, Svelte also disappears at deployment, leaving you with plain JavaScript....

How to Dynamically Apply CSS in Svelte

In Svelte, there may be scenarios where you need to apply CSS properties to an element dynamically based on the value of a variable. While there are multiple ways to achieve this, I will demonstrate two commonly used methods. Method 1: Adding an HTML Class One straightforward solution is to add an HTML class to the element when the selected variable has a particular value. This can be achieved by writing CSS rules that target the element with the class....

How to Export Functions and Variables from a Svelte Component

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to export functions and variables from a Svelte component. By exporting additional elements from a component, you can provide other components the ability to access and use them. Let’s dive in! To begin, you may already be familiar with importing a Svelte component into another component using the following syntax: <script> import Button from './Button.svelte'; </script> But what if you want to export something more than just the default export?...

How to Import Components in Svelte

Learn the process of importing components in Svelte to enhance your development workflow. Svelte simplifies component management by utilizing single file components. Each component is defined within a .svelte file, allowing you to include HTML markup, CSS styles, and JavaScript code as needed. Let’s start with a basic example of a Svelte component residing in a file named Button.svelte: <button>A button</button> While you can incorporate CSS and JS within this component, the provided HTML markup already represents the component....

Managing State Updates in Svelte: A Guide

In Svelte, handling state updates within a component is straightforward and doesn’t require any special configuration. You can simply use reactive assignments to update the component’s state. For instance, let’s consider a count variable that needs to be incremented. This can be done using the assignment count = count + 1 or count++: <script> let count = 0; const incrementCount = () => { count++; }; </script> {count} <button on:click={incrementCount}>+1</button> If you’re familiar with modern web frameworks like React or Vue, this approach may seem familiar....

Migrating a Basic Site to Astro

In this blog post, I will walk you through the process of moving a website from Hugo to Astro, a simpler solution that eliminates the need to work with Hugo templates when making changes. I find Astro to be a great choice for this migration because it allows me to use JSX, a syntax I am more comfortable with, and also gives me the flexibility to incorporate frameworks like Svelte or React in the future....

Resolving Promises in Svelte Templates

In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively work with promises in Svelte templates and leverage their power in managing asynchronous events in JavaScript. Promises have become a valuable tool in handling asynchronous operations, and with the introduction of the await syntax in ES2017, working with promises has become even easier. Svelte provides the {#await} syntax in templates, which allows us to directly incorporate promises at the template level....

Svelte Bindings: A Guide to Working with Bindings in Svelte

Svelte is a powerful web framework that allows you to create two-way bindings between data and the user interface (UI). In this article, we will explore how to use bindings in Svelte and how they can be especially useful with forms. Using bind:value The most common form of binding in Svelte is using bind:value. This allows you to bind a variable from the component state to a form field. For example:...

Svelte Slots: Creating Composable Components

Slots in Svelte provide a powerful way to define components that can be easily composed together or configured when imported. In this blog, we will explore how slots work in Svelte and how you can leverage them to create dynamic and reusable components. Defining Slots To define a slot in a component, you can use the <slot /> or <slot></slot> syntax. For example, let’s consider a Button.svelte component that outputs a <button> HTML tag:...