Props vs State in React

What is the difference between state and props in React? In a React component, props are variables passed to it by its parent component. State, on the other hand, consists of variables that are directly initialized and managed by the component itself. The state can be initialized using props. For example, a parent component can include a child component by calling: <ChildComponent /> The parent can then pass a prop to the child component using the following syntax:...

The JavaScript Glossary: A Guide to Frontend Development Terminology

In frontend development, there are several terms that may be unfamiliar to you. This glossary provides explanations of these terms to help you better understand JavaScript and frontend development concepts. Let’s dive in! Terms Asynchronous Asynchronous code allows you to initiate a task, forget about it, and receive the result when it’s ready, without having to wait for it. An example is an AJAX call, where you can continue with other tasks while waiting for the response....