How to List All Databases Using PostgreSQL

When working with PostgreSQL, there are two ways to list all databases: using the psql tool or by executing an SQL query. Listing databases using psql To list all databases using psql, follow these steps: Open the psql tool. Type the command \list or \l and hit Enter. PostgreSQL will display a list of databases and templates. Here is an example of the database list: airbnbclone nextbnb postgres test In addition to databases, PostgreSQL also includes templates....

How to List Tables in a PostgreSQL Database

In PostgreSQL, there are multiple ways to list tables in the current database. In this article, we will explore two methods: using the psql tool and running an SQL query. Method 1: Using psql To list the tables in the current database using the psql tool, follow these steps: Open the psql tool in your terminal or command prompt. Connect to your PostgreSQL database by running the following command: psql -U username -d database_name Replace username with your PostgreSQL username and database_name with the name of your database....

Working with MySQL and Node: A Beginner's Guide

MySQL, a popular relational database, can be seamlessly integrated with Node.js. In this article, we will explore the basics of working with MySQL using the mysqljs/mysql package, a widely-used package that has been around for years and has over 12,000 GitHub stars. Installing the Node mysql package To install the package, simply run the following command in your terminal: npm install mysql Initializing the connection to the database To establish a connection to the MySQL database, you need to first include the mysql package in your code:...