Efficient Searching with Quicksort in JavaScript

Quicksort is a highly efficient algorithm for searching and sorting arrays in JavaScript. It makes use of recursion, which involves calling a function from within the same function. This technique helps streamline the search process and improve performance. Generally, Quicksort outperforms other algorithms like selection sort, especially in scenarios where the data set is large. The algorithm’s time complexity is generally O(n log n), which falls between O(n) and O(n^2). However, it’s worth noting that in the worst-case scenario, Quicksort can take the same time as selection sort, resulting in a time complexity of O(n^2)....

JavaScript Algorithms: Merge Sort

Merge sort is a popular sorting algorithm that utilizes the “divide and conquer” approach. In this algorithm, an array is divided into two halves recursively until each half contains only one element. Then, the sorted subarrays are merged to form a single sorted array. Let’s take an example to understand how merge sort works. Suppose we have an array: [4, 3, 1, 2] We first divide the array into two halves:...

Retrieving Entries in a Notion Database Using the Notion API

If you’re looking to retrieve all the entries from a Notion database using the official Notion API, here’s how you can do it. Obtaining the Notion Instance Reference First, you’ll need to obtain a reference to the Notion instance. Use the following code snippet to initialize the Notion client by importing the Client class from the @notionhq/client package: import { Client } from '@notionhq/client'; // ... const notion = new Client({ auth: process....

Sorting an Array by Date Value in JavaScript

Learn how to sort an array of items by date value in JavaScript. If you have an array of objects like the one below, which contains a set of date objects: const activities = [ { title: 'Hiking', date: new Date('2019-06-28') }, { title: 'Shopping', date: new Date('2019-06-10') }, { title: 'Trekking', date: new Date('2019-06-22') } ] and you want to sort those activities by the date property, you can use the sort() method of Array....

Working with Duplicate Records/Lines in Text: A Quick Guide to the `uniq` Command

The uniq command is a powerful tool used for sorting lines of text and working with duplicate records. Whether you need to extract duplicate lines from a file or process the output of another command using pipes, uniq has got you covered. To get started with uniq, keep in mind that it detects adjacent duplicate lines by default. This means that combining it with the sort command will yield the best results:...