How to Make Your Website's Image Appear When Sharing Links

Are you wondering how to make an image show up when you share links to your website on social media? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to achieve that! Recently, I received a question on Twitter: How can I get an image to display when sharing a link to a website I created? To ensure that images appear when sharing links, you need to utilize Open Graph meta tags, also known as OG tags....

Is Blogging Still Relevant in Today's Digital Landscape?

In today’s digital world, where social media and large platforms dominate the online space, it’s natural to wonder if blogging still holds relevance. With numerous websites already in existence, can the underdog still find a place on the internet? The answer, quite simply, is yes. There is always room for more content creators in any medium. Consider this: for every 100 people, there is less than one person creating content. This applies to all forms of media consumption, whether it’s television, radio, or newspapers....

Subscribers Count: A Vanity Metric or a Measure of Engagement?

As content creators on the internet, we often rely on metrics to gauge our success. Numbers have become a universal language for measuring performance, and it’s natural for us to adopt them as our own metrics. However, sometimes these numbers can be deceptive and lead us astray. These misleading numbers are what we call vanity metrics. Some vanity metrics, like YouTube subscribers, Twitter followers, or Facebook likes, are public by default....