SwiftUI forms: Slider

The Slider form control in SwiftUI allows us to create a bar that the user can swipe left or right to decrease or increase its value. To initialize a Slider, we need to set three parameters: value, in, and step: @State private var age: Double = 0 //... Slider(value: $age, in: 0...100, step: 1) The in parameter determines the minimum and maximum values allowed for the Slider. The step parameter indicates the increment value....

SwiftUI: Formatting Decimals in Text View

When using the Slider view to select a value in SwiftUI, we often encounter an issue when displaying the value in a Text view. By default, the value is displayed as a decimal, even when a step value of 1 is used. For example, the number 34 appears as 34.000000. To format the value and display it without the decimal places, we can utilize the specifier parameter when interpolating the value in the Text view....