Vue.js Components

Components are individual units of an interface that can have their own state, markup, and style. How to Use Components Vue components can be defined in four main ways. Let’s take a look at each of them: 1. Instantiating a Vue instance: new Vue({ /* options */ }) 2. Using Vue.component(): Vue.component('component-name', { /* options */ }) 3. Using local components: Local components are only accessible by a specific component and not available elsewhere, making them great for encapsulation....

Vue.js Single File Components: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, we will explore how Vue.js simplifies the process of creating a single file responsible for all aspects of a component. By centralizing the responsibility for appearance and behavior, Vue.js offers a convenient approach known as Single File Components. Traditionally, a Vue component can be declared in a JavaScript file (.js) using the Vue.component method or within a new Vue instance. However, Vue.js introduces a new file format called ....

Vue.js Templates and Interpolations: A Guide for Developers

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that utilizes a powerful templating language, which is an extension of HTML. In addition to standard HTML, Vue.js introduces two essential features: interpolation and directives. Understanding these features is crucial for building dynamic and responsive Vue.js applications. A Valid Vue.js Template To begin, it’s important to note that any HTML code is a valid Vue.js template. You can define a Vue component by explicitly declaring a template, like this:...