A Comprehensive Guide to Using requestAnimationFrame()

Learn how to use the requestAnimationFrame() API for performing animations and scheduling events in a predictable manner. The requestAnimationFrame() API is a relatively new addition to web browsers and provides a more predictable way to hook into the browser’s render cycle. It is supported by all modern browsers, including IE 10 and above. Although not specific to animations, requestAnimationFrame() is commonly used for animating elements on a webpage. In the past, animations were typically implemented using setTimeout() or setInterval()....

Exploring JavaScript Timers

When writing JavaScript code, there may be instances when you need to delay the execution of a function. In this blog post, we will explore how to effectively use JavaScript timers such as setTimeout and setInterval to schedule function execution in the future. setTimeout() The setTimeout function allows you to delay the execution of a function by specifying a callback function and a time value representing the delay in milliseconds. Here’s an example:...