How to Set Up \"Cloud Cron Jobs\" using Netlify Scheduled Functions

Discover how to set up Netlify Scheduled Functions for your development needs. Netlify Scheduled Functions provide the ability to perform various tasks. Follow these steps to set them up: Create a serverless function in netlify/functions directory in your repository. For example, you can create a file named test.js: exports.handler = (event, context) => { // do something return { statusCode: 200 }; } Open or create the netlify.toml file in your repository and configure the frequency at which you want the Netlify Scheduled Function to run....

How to Use Netlify Edge Functions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Netlify Edge Functions are a powerful feature offered by Netlify, the popular hosting platform. While Netlify is known for static hosting, Edge Functions enable you to perform dynamic actions on your website. These functions allow you to implement features like geolocation, localization, A/B testing, redirects, and much more. Similar to Netlify Serverless Functions, Edge Functions run on the Netlify Edge, which means they are closer to the user and run on multiple CDN locations....

How to Utilize ES Modules in Netlify Functions

ES modules, which provide a modular approach for organizing and loading JavaScript code, can be used in Netlify Functions to enhance the functionality and maintainability of serverless functions. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable ES modules in Netlify Functions. To begin, make sure you have a package.json file at the root level of your repository. Open the package.json file and add the following line: "type": "module" This line informs the Node....