My Love for Books: A Collection of Knowledge and Inspiration

Having an extensive library of paper books has always been a passion of mine. Among them, programming books take up about 30% of my collection. I used to travel to the city to visit a well-stocked library, where I could find the best books on software development. Back in the day, when Linux was sold in 4 CD sets, books were the affordable way to learn programming independently. Aside from programming, a significant portion of my books revolves around self-improvement and personal growth....

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

During my university days, I had to complete an unpaid internship as part of my program. I remember going for an on-site interview at a company, where I was asked the infamous question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” At that time, I didn’t feel the need to impress anyone and responded honestly with something along the lines of “definitely not here.” While they appreciated my honesty, it didn’t result in a callback....