Express Middleware: Enhancing Your Routing Process

Express middleware plays a crucial role in the routing process. By creating custom functions, we can insert them at different points in the chain to perform specific operations. Typically, middleware functions are used to modify the request or response objects or terminate the request before it reaches the route handler. These functions are added to the execution stack using the app.use() method, similar to defining a route. For example: app.use((req, res, next) => { /* middleware function */ }) In the above code snippet, we define a middleware function that takes three parameters: req (request object), res (response object), and next....

How HTTP requests work

Understanding the process of HTTP requests when you type a URL in the browser tags: HTTP requests, browser, URL, DNS lookup, TCP connection, request, response, HTML parsing When you type something into the Google search box and press enter, have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes? This article will explain the step-by-step process of how browsers perform page requests using the HTTP/1.1 protocol. The HTTP protocol Note that this article focuses on HTTPS connections differ from regular HTTP connections....