How to Remove the Leading Zero in a Number Using JavaScript

If you come across a number with a leading zero, such as 010 or 02, and you need to eliminate that zero, there are several methods you can use in JavaScript. The most straightforward approach is to utilize the parseInt() function: parseInt(number, 10) By specifying the radix parameter as 10, you ensure consistent behavior across various browsers. Keep in mind that some JavaScript engines may function correctly without explicitly setting the radix, but it’s always advisable to include it....

How to Replace All Occurrences of a String in JavaScript

Learn the proper way to replace all occurrences of a string in plain JavaScript, including using regular expressions and other approaches. Using a Regular Expression To replace all occurrences of a string with another string, you can use a regular expression. This simple regex, String.replace(/<TERM>/g, ''), will perform the task. Note that it is case sensitive. Here’s an example that demonstrates replacing all occurrences of the word “dog” in the string phrase:...

How to Retrieve All Results of a Regex with Capturing Groups in JavaScript

If you find yourself needing to process multiple URLs within a string using a regular expression in JavaScript, capturing groups can come in handy. They allow you to extract specific parts of the matched pattern. In this article, we’ll explore how to retrieve all results of a regular expression with capturing groups. Let’s start by examining how to get a single result using the match() method: const text = 'hello1 bla bla hello2'; const regex = /hello\d/; text....

Routing in Express: What You Need to Know

Routing in Express is a crucial process that determines the appropriate action to take when a specific URL is called or when a particular incoming request needs to be handled. Without proper routing, an application may fail to deliver the desired functionality. In our previous example of the Hello World application, we used the following code: app.get('/', (req, res) => { /* code here */ }) This code snippet creates a route that maps the root domain URL (/) using the HTTP GET method to the desired response....

The JavaScript String match() Method

Learn about the match() method in JavaScript for strings. The match() method is used to search for a specified regular expression pattern inside a string. It returns an array of all the matches found or null if no matches are found. Here are some examples of using the match() method: Example 1: 'Hi Flavio'.match(/avio/) // Output: Array [ 'avio' ] Example 2: 'Test 123123329'.match(/\d+/) // Output: Array [ "123123329" ] Example 3:...