Getting Started with Redis: A Beginner's Guide

Redis is a powerful in-memory data storage system that provides fast, scalable, and reliable data storage. In this guide, we will walk you through the first steps of using Redis and introduce you to some of its basic functionalities. Using Redis-cli Once you have Redis installed and running, the simplest way to interact with it is through the redis-cli command-line interface. This tool comes bundled with Redis and allows you to send commands to Redis without the need for any additional setup....

How to Use Redis Sorted Lists

Redis Sorted Lists are a powerful data structure that associates a rank with each item in a set. While they are similar to regular sets, they use different commands and provide additional functionality. To start using Redis Sorted Lists, you’ll need to use the ZADD command instead of SADD. When using ZADD, you provide a score along with the value: ZADD names 1 "Flavio" ZADD names 2 "Syd" ZADD names 2 "Roger" As shown in the example, the values in the list must still be unique, but they are now associated with a score....

How to Use Redis with Node.js

One of the most popular libraries for working with Redis server in a Node.js application is node-redis, which can be found at To install the library in your project, run the following command: npm install redis Tip: If your project is brand new and does not have a package.json file, make sure to run npm init -y first. Connecting to the Redis Instance Once the library is installed, require it in your project using:...

The Heroku Redis Maxmemory Policy

Heroku offers a powerful Redis addon that comes with 25MB of free memory storage. But what happens when you exceed this limit? Heroku has a configuration option called maxmemory-policy that determines how the system handles the situation. By default, the maxmemory-policy is set to noeviction, which means that if you try to store more data than the available memory, Redis will raise an error. This is done to notify you of the issue and prompt you to take action....

Using Redis Sets

Redis Sets have two main differences compared to lists: they are not ordered and they only hold each item once. To create a set, use the command SADD <setkey> <value>. You can use the same command to add more items to the set. For example: SADD names "Flavio" SADD names "Roger" SADD names "Tony" "Mark" "Jane" To retrieve all the items in a set, use the command SMEMBERS <setkey>. You can also use the command SISMEMBER to check if a value is present in the set....