Utilizing the useReducer Hook in React Development

Discover the benefits and implementation of the useReducer React hook! Ever since the introduction of hooks in React, I have found them to be incredibly useful in several projects. They offer a more streamlined approach to writing code, making it feel like “real” JavaScript. By eliminating the need for class-based components, functional components can now handle state management effectively. For those who are new to hooks, I recommend checking out my introductory guide to React hooks here....

Vite Tutorial: A Next-Generation Frontend Tool

Recently, I’ve been exploring Vite, which is often referred to as “the new create-react-app”. While there are many tools that serve a similar purpose, such as Parcel, esbuild, Rollup, Rome, webpack, and Turbopack, Vite stands out in its unique approach. Vite describes itself as a “next-generation frontend tool”. It functions as a module bundler like webpack or Turbopack, but with a significant difference. Instead of creating a single bundled JavaScript file that is sent to the browser, Vite leverages the native browser’s ES modules support to directly ship modules to the browser....