Adding Event Listeners to Elements Returned from querySelectorAll

In this blog post, we will discuss how to add event listeners to all the elements returned by a document.querySelectorAll() call. This method allows us to iterate over the results and attach an event listener to each element. By using the for..of loop, we can easily iterate over the NodeList returned by querySelectorAll(). Here’s an example: const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("#select .button"); for (const button of buttons) { button.addEventListener('click', function(event) { // Event listener logic goes here }); } It is worth noting that document....

How to Add an Event Listener to Multiple Elements in JavaScript

If you want to add an event listener to multiple elements in JavaScript, there are a couple of approaches you can take. In this article, we will explore two methods: using a loop and leveraging event bubbling. Method 1: Using a Loop The first method involves using a loop to iterate over the elements and attach the event listener individually. Here’s an example: document.querySelectorAll('.some-class').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { // handle click }); }); In the above code, querySelectorAll() is used to select all elements with a specific class....

The Selectors API: querySelector and querySelectorAll

Accessing DOM elements using querySelector and querySelectorAll The Selectors API is a useful feature provided by the DOM that allows you to easily select elements on a page. It offers two methods: document.querySelector() and document.querySelectorAll(). Introducing the Selectors API Traditionally, browsers only provided a single way to select a DOM element - by its id attribute using the getElementById() method offered by the document object. However, with the introduction of the Selectors API in 2013, you now have more options....