The getPrototypeOf() Method in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the getPrototypeOf() method is used to retrieve the prototype of an object. It allows you to access the object’s parent or prototype. Usage The getPrototypeOf() method is called on the Object object and takes one parameter, obj, which is the object whose prototype you want to retrieve. Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) Example Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of the getPrototypeOf() method: const animal = {} const dog = Object.create(animal) const prot = Object....

The Object create() Method: A Complete Guide

Learn all about the create() method of the Object object in JavaScript. Introduced in ES5, the create() method is used to create a new object with a specified prototype. Usage To use the create() method, follow this syntax: const newObject = Object.create(prototype); For example: const animal = {}; const dog = Object.create(animal); The newly created object will inherit all the properties of the prototype object. You can also add new properties to the object that the prototype lacked by specifying a second parameter:...

The setPrototypeOf() Method in JavaScript

Learn all about the setPrototypeOf() method in the JavaScript Object object. Setting the prototype of an object is made possible with the setPrototypeOf() method. To dive deeper into JavaScript Prototypal Inheritance, check out my comprehensive guide here. Syntax: Object.setPrototypeOf(object, prototype) Example: const Animal = {} Animal.isAnimal = true const Mammal = Object.create(Animal) Mammal.isMammal = true console.log('-------') Mammal.isAnimal // true const dog = Object.create(Animal) dog.isAnimal // true console.log(dog.isMammal) // undefined Object.setPrototypeOf(dog, Mammal) console....

What to Buy to Get Started with Arduino and Electronics

In my Electronics tutorial series, I use a set of tools that I have acquired over time. If you’re looking to get started with the experiments I do, I can provide some recommendations on what to buy. When it comes to Arduino, I highly recommend purchasing original Arduino parts to support the project and its ecosystem. However, when starting out, buying individual components can be costly. That’s why I suggest looking for kits that come with a variety of components all at once....