How to Use Netcat for Networking Tasks

Netcat is a powerful Unix command that allows you to perform various networking tasks. It is often used for debugging purposes and to gain a deeper understanding of how things work. Netcat, also known as nc, is readily available on Unix systems. To connect to a network server using Netcat, use the following syntax: nc DOMAIN PORT For example, to connect to the localhost on port 8000, you can use:...

Swift Protocols: Enhancing Object Functionality

Protocol in Swift allows different objects of different types to have a common set of functionality. It serves as a blueprint that defines a set of properties and methods that can be adopted by structs and classes. To define a protocol in Swift, use the following syntax: protocol Mammal { } Structs and classes can adopt a protocol by indicating it after the colon: struct Dog: Mammal { } class Cat: Mammal { } A protocol can define properties and methods but does not provide values or implementations....

What is an RFC?

RFCs, or Request for Comments, are publications from the technology community. In several blog posts, I mention “this technology is defined in RFC xxxx” or “see RFC yyyy for the nitty-gritty details.” But what exactly is an RFC? An RFC stands for Request for Comments. While the term RFC can be used in various contexts, traditionally in the world of the Internet, it refers to a publication written by engineers and computer scientists for other professionals working within the Internet sphere....