Communication Between Vue.js Components

Discover the different ways to make components communicate in a Vue.js application. Props The first way is by using props. With props, parents pass data down to their child components by adding arguments to the component declaration. For example: <template> <div> <Car color="green" /> </div> </template> <script> import Car from './components/Car' export default { name: 'App', components: { Car } } </script> Props are one-way, meaning data flows from the parent to the child....

How to Add a Wrapper Component to Your Next.js App

Having a consistent layout throughout your website can greatly improve user experience. One way to achieve this is by using a wrapper component that includes common elements like a sidebar or header. In this blog post, we will explore two approaches to implementing a wrapper component in Next.js. Approach 1: Using a Higher Order Component (HOC) The first approach involves creating a Higher Order Component (HOC) called Layout.js, which can be used to wrap other components....

How to Pass Props to a Child Component via React Router

In this blog post, we will discuss different ways to pass props to a child component via React Router. It is important to note that while there are many solutions available, some of them may be outdated. The simplest solution involves adding the props directly to the Route wrapper component. Here is an example: const Index = (props) => <h1>{props.route.something}</h1>; const routes = <Route path="/" something={'here'} component={Index} />; However, with this approach, you need to modify how you access the props by using this....

Props vs State in React

What is the difference between state and props in React? In a React component, props are variables passed to it by its parent component. State, on the other hand, consists of variables that are directly initialized and managed by the component itself. The state can be initialized using props. For example, a parent component can include a child component by calling: <ChildComponent /> The parent can then pass a prop to the child component using the following syntax:...

React Concept: Composition

Understanding the concept of composition and its importance in React apps Composition is a fundamental concept in programming that allows you to construct more complex functionality by combining smaller, focused functions. For instance, when using the map() function to create a new array from an initial set and then filtering the result using filter(), composition enables you to perform both actions in a concise and efficient manner: const list = ['Apple', 'Orange', 'Egg'] list....

The React State: Managing Component State in an SEO Friendly Way

In this blog post, we will discuss how to interact with the state of your React components. The state is a crucial part of managing component data and handling user interactions. Setting the Default State To set the default state of a component, you need to initialize this.state in the constructor. For example, let’s consider a BlogPostExcerpt component with a clicked state: class BlogPostExcerpt extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this....

Vue.js Component Props

Component Props play a crucial role in passing down state to child components. In this blog post, we will explore various aspects of props and how to use them effectively. Table of Contents Define a prop inside the component Accept multiple props Set the prop type Set a prop to be mandatory Set the default value of a prop Passing props to the component Define a prop inside the component Props allow components to accept data from parent components....

Vue.js Components

Components are individual units of an interface that can have their own state, markup, and style. How to Use Components Vue components can be defined in four main ways. Let’s take a look at each of them: 1. Instantiating a Vue instance: new Vue({ /* options */ }) 2. Using Vue.component(): Vue.component('component-name', { /* options */ }) 3. Using local components: Local components are only accessible by a specific component and not available elsewhere, making them great for encapsulation....