How to Count the Number of Properties in a JavaScript Object

Learn how to efficiently calculate the number of properties in a JavaScript object. To accomplish this, you can use the Object.keys() method. By passing the object you want to inspect as the argument, you can obtain an array that contains all the enumerable (own) properties of the object. To count the number of properties, simply access the length property of the array generated by Object.keys(): const car = { color: 'Blue', brand: 'Ford', model: 'Fiesta' } Object....

JavaScript Object: A Comprehensive Reference

In this blog post, we will discuss the properties and methods of the JavaScript Object built-in object. An object in JavaScript is any value that is not of a primitive type. Even arrays or functions are actually objects under the hood. There are multiple ways to create an object in JavaScript: Using object literal syntax: const person = {} typeof person //object Using the Object global function: const person = Object() typeof person //object Using the Object constructor: const person = new Object() typeof person //object Using Object....

JavaScript Reference: String

Learn about the various properties and methods of the JavaScript String object. The String object has a static method called String.fromCharCode() that allows you to create a string representation from a sequence of Unicode characters. You can use this method to build a simple string using ASCII codes. Example: String.fromCodePoint(70, 108, 97, 118, 105, 111) //'Flavio' You can also use octal or hexadecimal numbers: Example: String.fromCodePoint(0x46, 0154, parseInt(141, 8), 118, 105, 111) //'Flavio' All the other methods described in this article are instance methods, meaning they are run on a string type....

Swift Structures - The Fundamentals of Swift Structures

Structures are a fundamental concept in Swift programming. They are widely used and even the built-in types in Swift are implemented as structures. In Swift, we can create instances of structures, which are known as objects. In most programming languages, objects can only be created from classes. However, Swift provides the flexibility to create objects from structures as well. In fact, the official documentation recommends using structures whenever possible because they are easier to work with....

SwiftUI: Properties

In SwiftUI, you have the flexibility to add properties to any view to enhance its functionality. Let’s explore how properties can be used in SwiftUI views. import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { let name = "Flavio" var body: some View { Text("Hello, \(name)!") .font(.largeTitle) } } In the above code snippet, we declare a constant property name of type String and assign it the value “Flavio”. This property is then used within the Text view to display a personalized greeting....

The JavaScript `seal()` Method of the Object Object

Learn more about the seal() method in JavaScript, which is used to restrict the modification of an object’s properties. The seal() method, when called on an object, returns the same object. The object passed as an argument is mutated and becomes immutable. This means that new properties cannot be added to it, existing properties cannot be removed, but they can still be modified. Here’s an example to demonstrate it: const dog = {} dog....