Embracing the Power of The Fire

The fire. It’s that burst of energy, drive, and determination that allows us to accomplish great things. Paul Jarvis, author of the book Company of One, refers to it as “the fire”. In his recent newsletter, he describes how the fire ignites his motivation and propels him forward. On days when the fire is burning, I can feel the power within me. I can write multiple blog posts in a row and code for hours without losing focus....

How I Decided to Create a New Projects Management App

I have developed numerous applications in the past few years, ranging from iOS to Mac to Web applications. Some of them had the potential to become bigger than expected, but most ended up being abandoned. This is because software has an expiration date and needs continuous updates to keep up with evolving operating systems. In recent years, I have shifted my focus towards training developers to create web applications, which has brought me immense satisfaction....

How to Add an \"Open in Terminal\" Icon in macOS Finder

If you’re a macOS user and frequently open folders in the Terminal, you might find it convenient to have a dedicated “Open in Terminal” icon in the Finder. This tutorial will guide you through the process of adding this icon to your Finder toolbar. Step 1: Open Automator and select “Application” when prompted to choose a type of document. Step 2: Search for “Run AppleScript” in the list of available actions and add it to your workflow....

How to Use uBlock Origin to Block Distractions

Distractions on the internet can be a major obstacle when trying to focus on work or solve problems. While there are several apps available to block websites, sometimes you may not want to block an entire site, but rather specific elements within it. This is where uBlock Origin can come in handy. In this article, we will discuss how to use uBlock Origin to block distractions on specific web pages....

Invest in Yourself with a Big Whiteboard

As a seasoned developer, I’ve come to realize that one of the best investments you can make for yourself is a big whiteboard. I personally love my own whiteboard, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer. I recently moved my whiteboard to a new position, drilling holes in a fresh wall. This whiteboard has been with me since childhood, and while I don’t quite remember where it came from, I know it must have been a gift for Christmas or my birthday....

Music for Programming: Enhancing Focus and Productivity

Finding yourself in the zone is key to delivering your best work. Whether you’re coding or writing, being completely present and laser-focused on the task at hand is crucial. To achieve this optimal state of mind, I rely heavily on music. Instrumental music is my go-to for coding sessions. The absence of vocals allows me to eliminate any distraction caused by processing lyrics. By immersing myself in purely instrumental tracks, I can maintain my focus without any cognitive interference....

Review of the book The 4-Hour Work Week: A Senior Developer's Perspective

In this blog post, I will share my review and key takeaways from the book “The 4-Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss. As a senior developer, I will provide a technical perspective and share how this book has influenced my own experiences and observations. Would I recommend this book? Absolutely Book rating 5/5 There are countless books out there, but “The 4-Hour Work Week” has had a profound impact on me....

Some Days Are More Productive Than Others: Embracing the Ups and Downs

As a creator, I’ve come to understand that not all days and hours are created equal. Despite my best efforts to stick to a rigid schedule, there are times when certain hours prove to be more productive than others. This realization has allowed me to embrace the ebb and flow of my productivity rather than fight against it. For instance, after lunch, I’ve noticed that the following 2-3 hours can often feel unproductive, depending on what I eat....

The Productivity Benefits of Using Apple Devices

As a long-time Apple user and self-proclaimed “fanboy” since 2004, I have come to appreciate the many benefits of using the Apple devices ecosystem. The tight integration between Apple tools and devices offers a range of features that enhance productivity and simplify everyday tasks. In this blog post, I will highlight some of these features that I find particularly useful. One of the standout features is AirDrop. With AirDrop, I can effortlessly transfer pictures, videos, and other files from one Mac to another by simply opening the AirDrop icon in the Finder and selecting the desired Mac or iOS device....

Tips for Improving Productivity as a Developer or Writer

Being productive is a common goal for many developers and writers. People often wonder how others manage to accomplish so much. In my case, I have created multiple free technical ebooks, published a blog post every day for over 400 days, and developed several online courses within just 9 months. While I don’t consider myself naturally productive, I have learned a few valuable strategies that have helped me stay focused and efficient....