How to Automatically Format Astro Files in VS Code using Prettier

Learn how to utilize Prettier to format .astro files in the VS Code environment. When working with Astro, one drawback is that Prettier does not recognize its syntax. Consequently, auto-formatting on Save or Paste does not function in VS Code. How can you automate the formatting of Astro files in VS Code using Prettier? Follow these configuration steps: Begin by installing the default formatter for Web Development, which is Prettier....

Setting Up VS Code for React Development

In this blog post, we will discuss the simple steps to set up a nice VS Code development environment for React, including linting hints and automatic formatting on save. ESLint The first step is to install ESLint, a powerful tool that helps keep your code clean and maintainable. You can install ESLint using the ESLint extension available on the VS Code Extensions Store. Additionally, run the following Yarn commands in the terminal (if you don’t have Yarn installed, refer to my tutorial for a quick guide):...