Electronic Components: Resistors

A resistor is an essential electronic component that is designed to impede the flow of electrical current within a circuit. There exists a wide variety of resistors available, constructed using different materials and offering varying levels of resistance. In my collection, I currently possess the following resistors: 10Ω 220Ω 330Ω 1kΩ 2kΩ 5kΩ 10kΩ 100kΩ 1MΩ Each resistor value is distinctly represented by a unique color combination, aiding in easy identification....

Potentiometers: Understanding and Applications

Potentiometers are essential electronic components that play a crucial role in various circuits. They are small in size and typically feature two connectors on one side and one on the opposite side. The two connectors serve as the input, connected to the negative and positive terminals, while the remaining connector acts as the output. The functionality of a potentiometer lies in its ability to modify resistance. By rotating the potentiometer, a fraction of the voltage difference between the input pins can be obtained at the output pin....