Embracing Independence in the Digital Age: Finding Balance and Fulfillment

In today’s fast-paced, interconnected world, I find comfort in being part of a unique community. This niche consists of individuals who utilize digital devices such as desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, or tablets to create and distribute value within the digital network. My role in this ecosystem is to assist software developers in honing their skills through informative blog posts and engaging online courses. However, it’s disheartening that in my everyday life, I rarely encounter others who share my passion....

My Love for Books: A Collection of Knowledge and Inspiration

Having an extensive library of paper books has always been a passion of mine. Among them, programming books take up about 30% of my collection. I used to travel to the city to visit a well-stocked library, where I could find the best books on software development. Back in the day, when Linux was sold in 4 CD sets, books were the affordable way to learn programming independently. Aside from programming, a significant portion of my books revolves around self-improvement and personal growth....

Welcome to My Digital Garden: A Unique Approach to Blogging

Recently, I came across the concept of Digital Gardens on HN through Joel Hooks’ thought-provoking blog post titled “My blog is a digital garden, not a blog.”. It piqued my interest and introduced me to this fascinating idea. On my website, you’ll find a diverse range of content. It serves as a collection of tutorials, offers free books, and represents the platform where I curate ideas every single day. Think of it as a garden in the digital realm, which, like its real-world counterpart, requires constant care and attention to thrive....