Destructuring Objects and Arrays in JavaScript

Learn how to use the destructuring syntax to work with arrays and objects in JavaScript. Destructuring in JavaScript allows you to extract values from objects and arrays and assign them to variables in a more concise way. This can make your code more readable and efficient. Destructuring Objects With object destructuring, you can extract specific properties from an object and assign their values to named variables. This can be especially useful when working with large objects or when you only need certain properties....

JavaScript: Passing Values by Reference or by Value

In JavaScript, the way values are passed depends on whether they are primitive types or objects. Primitive types, which include numbers, strings, booleans, null, undefined, and symbols, are passed by value. When a primitive value is passed to a function, a copy of that value is made, and any modifications made to the copy will not affect the original value. For example: const increment = num => { num = num + 1; } const num = 2; increment(num); console....

Python Introspection: A Deep Dive

In Python, introspection refers to the ability to analyze functions, variables, and objects to gather information about them. This ability is incredibly useful for understanding and debugging code. In this blog post, we will explore some of the key tools and techniques for introspection in Python. Getting Documentation with help() One of the simplest ways to gather information about a function, variable, or object is by using the help() function. This global function displays the documentation, if provided, in the form of docstrings....

Swift Objects: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming in Swift

Introduction Welcome to the Swift Objects tutorial, which is part of our Swift series. In Swift, everything is treated as an object, even basic values like numbers. This means that every value can receive messages and have associated functions called methods. Messages and Methods In Swift, each type can have multiple methods associated with it. For example, the number value 8 has a isMultiple method that can be called to check if it is a multiple of another number....

Swift Structures - The Fundamentals of Swift Structures

Structures are a fundamental concept in Swift programming. They are widely used and even the built-in types in Swift are implemented as structures. In Swift, we can create instances of structures, which are known as objects. In most programming languages, objects can only be created from classes. However, Swift provides the flexibility to create objects from structures as well. In fact, the official documentation recommends using structures whenever possible because they are easier to work with....

The JavaScript Cookbook: A Collection of Useful How-Tos

Welcome to the JavaScript Cookbook, a compilation of helpful articles that provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform common tasks in JavaScript. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, you’ll find practical solutions to enhance your JavaScript skills. Note: This document is continuously updated with new content, ensuring that you have access to a wealth of valuable how-tos. Strings How to Uppercase the First Letter of a String in JavaScript: Learn how to capitalize the first letter of a string using JavaScript....

Understanding JavaScript Property Descriptors

In JavaScript, every object has a set of properties, and each property has its own descriptor. These descriptors define the behavior and characteristics of the property. Understanding property descriptors is essential for working with objects in JavaScript. There are several Object static methods that interact with property descriptors. These methods include: Object.create() Object.defineProperties() Object.defineProperty() Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors() Let’s take a closer look at property descriptors using an example: { value: 'Something' } This is the simplest form of a property descriptor....

Understanding JavaScript Types: A Guide for Developers

JavaScript is often said to be untyped, but that’s not entirely accurate. While it is true that JavaScript allows you to assign different types of values to variables, it does have types. In fact, JavaScript provides both primitive types and object types. Let’s take a closer look at the different types in JavaScript: Primitive types JavaScript has several primitive types: Number: All numbers in JavaScript are internally represented as floats. String: A sequence of characters enclosed in quotes....

Understanding the Difference Between Primitive Types and Objects in JavaScript

What sets primitive types apart from objects in JavaScript? Let’s take a closer look. First, let’s define what primitive types are: Strings Numbers (Number and BigInt) Booleans (true or false) Undefined Symbol values While null is considered a special primitive type, calling typeof null actually returns 'object', even though it is a primitive type. In JavaScript, anything that is not a primitive type is an object, including functions. Functions can have properties and methods assigned to them....