Checking for the Existence of a Key in a JavaScript Object

In JavaScript, it is important to be able to check if a specific property key exists within an object. This can be done using various techniques to ensure accurate and efficient code execution. Let’s explore some of these methods below: Firstly, let’s consider an example object called car: const car = { color: 'blue' } To check if the color property key exists within the car object, we can use the in operator as follows:...

Dynamically Select a Method of an Object in JavaScript

Learn how to dynamically access a method of an object in JavaScript and improve code flexibility. Sometimes, you may encounter a situation where you have an object and need to call different methods based on certain conditions. For instance, you might have a car object and want to either drive() or park() it based on the driver.sleepy value. Traditionally, you can achieve this using an if/else condition: if (driver.sleepy > 6) { car....

How to Check if an Object is Empty in JavaScript

Learn how to determine if a variable corresponds to an empty object. If you need to check whether a value is equal to an empty object created using the object literal syntax const emptyObject = {}, there are several ways to do it. One method is by using the Object.entries() function, which returns an array containing the enumerable properties of an object. By calling Object.entries(objectToCheck), you can check if it returns an empty array....

How to Count the Number of Properties in a JavaScript Object

Learn how to efficiently calculate the number of properties in a JavaScript object. To accomplish this, you can use the Object.keys() method. By passing the object you want to inspect as the argument, you can obtain an array that contains all the enumerable (own) properties of the object. To count the number of properties, simply access the length property of the array generated by Object.keys(): const car = { color: 'Blue', brand: 'Ford', model: 'Fiesta' } Object....

How to Inspect a JavaScript Object

Discover the various ways in JavaScript to inspect the content of an object (or any other value). JavaScript offers several methods to inspect the content of a variable. Specifically, let’s explore how to print the content of an object. The Console API console.log console.dir JSON.stringify() toSource() Iterating through properties using a loop How to inspect in Node.js Suppose we have the following object car, but we are uncertain about its content and wish to inspect it:...

How to log an object in Node.js

When it comes to logging objects in Node.js, things can be a bit trickier compared to doing so in a browser environment. The console.log() function in Node.js simply outputs the object as a string representation, which may not be ideal, especially for complex objects with nested properties. By default, Node.js will print [Object] as a placeholder when an object goes beyond two levels of nesting. However, there are a couple of ways to overcome this limitation and log the object in a readable format....

JavaScript Object: A Comprehensive Reference

In this blog post, we will discuss the properties and methods of the JavaScript Object built-in object. An object in JavaScript is any value that is not of a primitive type. Even arrays or functions are actually objects under the hood. There are multiple ways to create an object in JavaScript: Using object literal syntax: const person = {} typeof person //object Using the Object global function: const person = Object() typeof person //object Using the Object constructor: const person = new Object() typeof person //object Using Object....

JavaScript Typecasting: Converting Data Types

Learn how to convert data types in JavaScript In JavaScript, although it is a loosely typed language, there may be instances where you need to convert values from one type to another. JavaScript has these primitive types: Number String Boolean Symbol and the object type: Object (plus null and undefined, but there’s no point in casting from/to them) Let’s explore different techniques for converting from one type to another. We’ll cover the most common scenarios....

The getPrototypeOf() Method in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the getPrototypeOf() method is used to retrieve the prototype of an object. It allows you to access the object’s parent or prototype. Usage The getPrototypeOf() method is called on the Object object and takes one parameter, obj, which is the object whose prototype you want to retrieve. Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) Example Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of the getPrototypeOf() method: const animal = {} const dog = Object.create(animal) const prot = Object....

The JavaScript `seal()` Method of the Object Object

Learn more about the seal() method in JavaScript, which is used to restrict the modification of an object’s properties. The seal() method, when called on an object, returns the same object. The object passed as an argument is mutated and becomes immutable. This means that new properties cannot be added to it, existing properties cannot be removed, but they can still be modified. Here’s an example to demonstrate it: const dog = {} dog....