Retrieving Entries in a Notion Database Using the Notion API

If you’re looking to retrieve all the entries from a Notion database using the official Notion API, here’s how you can do it. Obtaining the Notion Instance Reference First, you’ll need to obtain a reference to the Notion instance. Use the following code snippet to initialize the Notion client by importing the Client class from the @notionhq/client package: import { Client } from '@notionhq/client'; // ... const notion = new Client({ auth: process....

Updating a Checkbox Value in a Notion Database Using the Notion API

In this tutorial, we will learn how to update a checkbox value in a Notion database using the Notion API. Each entry in the database is treated as a page, and we will assume that you have the entry stored in a variable called page with its unique ID available as Additionally, we will assume that you have already initialized the Notion client. To begin, make sure you have imported the required Client module from '@notionhq/client' and properly initialized the Notion client by providing your authentication token stored in the process....