How to Create a User on MySQL: A Step-by-Step Guide

After installing MySQL, you will have the root user available. While this user can be used to test the functionality of MySQL, it is not recommended for other purposes due to its high level of access and associated risks. Similar to using Linux or Unix systems, it is best practice to create specific users with limited permissions for different tasks. To create a new user on MySQL, follow these steps:...

How to Create an Auto-Increment Primary Key in PostgreSQL

When working with a PostgreSQL database, you may need to define a primary key column that auto-increments its value for each new record. This can be achieved by using the SERIAL type combined with the PRIMARY KEY constraint. The following steps outline how to accomplish this: Start by creating a new table, for example, let’s call it cars. Specify the columns you want in your table definition, including the primary key column....

Introduction to SQL: Understanding the Basics

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a powerful language used to interact with Database Management Systems (DBMS). It is specifically designed for querying and manipulating data in relational databases. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental concepts of SQL and gain insights into its evolution and implementations. The Evolution of SQL First published in 1986, SQL has undergone several updates and revisions over the years. The latest version, as of writing this blog, is SQL 2019....

PostgreSQL vs MySQL: A Comprehensive Comparison

In this blog post, we will provide a high-level comparison between two popular database management systems, PostgreSQL and MySQL. If you are considering using either of these systems, this comparison will help you make an informed decision. Licensing PostgreSQL, an Open Source database, is owned by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group community and is licensed under the GPL license. On the other hand, MySQL is owned by Oracle and has two different licenses: an open source license and a commercial license....

Working with MySQL and Node: A Beginner's Guide

MySQL, a popular relational database, can be seamlessly integrated with Node.js. In this article, we will explore the basics of working with MySQL using the mysqljs/mysql package, a widely-used package that has been around for years and has over 12,000 GitHub stars. Installing the Node mysql package To install the package, simply run the following command in your terminal: npm install mysql Initializing the connection to the database To establish a connection to the MySQL database, you need to first include the mysql package in your code:...