C Conversion Specifiers and Modifiers: A Handy Reference

In this blog post, we will provide a helpful reference for all the C conversion specifiers commonly used with functions like printf(), scanf(), and other I/O functions. Specifier Meaning %d / %i Signed decimal integer %u Unsigned decimal integer %c Unsigned char %s String %p Pointer in hexadecimal form %o Unsigned octal integer %x / %X Unsigned hexadecimal number %e Floating point number in exponential format in e notation %E Floating point number in exponential format in E notation %f double number in decimal format %g / %G double number in decimal format or exponential format, depending on the value In addition to these specifiers, we have a set of modifiers....

SwiftUI: Mastering Stacks and Groups

In SwiftUI, creating an app usually involves more than just a single view, such as a basic “Hello World” app. To add multiple views, you need to use stacks. There are three types of stacks in SwiftUI: HStack, VStack, and ZStack. The Hello World app initially looks like this: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello World") } } If you try to add a second Text view directly within the ContentView struct, like this:...