Introduction to Swift and iOS Development for Web Developers

Welcome to the first installment of our Swift and iOS application development tutorial series. Whether you are an experienced web developer or just starting out, this series will guide you through the fundamentals of Swift and iOS development. If you’re interested, you can also check out our previous Swift introductory series here. Before we dive into the details, let me provide a brief background about my experience in iOS and Mac development....

My Love for Books: A Collection of Knowledge and Inspiration

Having an extensive library of paper books has always been a passion of mine. Among them, programming books take up about 30% of my collection. I used to travel to the city to visit a well-stocked library, where I could find the best books on software development. Back in the day, when Linux was sold in 4 CD sets, books were the affordable way to learn programming independently. Aside from programming, a significant portion of my books revolves around self-improvement and personal growth....

The Full-Stack Independent Developer: Mastering All Aspects of Software Development

When we think of software developers, we often imagine individuals solely dedicated to their craft, working on world-changing apps, fixing bugs, and developing cutting-edge algorithms. While this may be true for many developers in traditional careers, some of us have chosen a different path. As an independent software developer, I’ve experienced a completely different career trajectory. Unlike my counterparts working for big companies or startups, I have always been self-employed. As a full-stack developer, I specialize in both frontend and backend development, but being full-stack means so much more than that....