How to Add an Event Listener to Multiple Elements in JavaScript

If you want to add an event listener to multiple elements in JavaScript, there are a couple of approaches you can take. In this article, we will explore two methods: using a loop and leveraging event bubbling. Method 1: Using a Loop The first method involves using a loop to iterate over the elements and attach the event listener individually. Here’s an example: document.querySelectorAll('.some-class').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { // handle click }); }); In the above code, querySelectorAll() is used to select all elements with a specific class....

How to Inspect a JavaScript Object

Discover the various ways in JavaScript to inspect the content of an object (or any other value). JavaScript offers several methods to inspect the content of a variable. Specifically, let’s explore how to print the content of an object. The Console API console.log console.dir JSON.stringify() toSource() Iterating through properties using a loop How to inspect in Node.js Suppose we have the following object car, but we are uncertain about its content and wish to inspect it:...

Introduction to the Arduino Programming Language and Its Functions

Writing programs for your Arduino board is made possible through the Arduino Programming Language, also known as the Arduino Language. This language is based on the Wiring development platform, which is built on top of Processing. The Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) facilitates the coding process by providing a programming editor with integrated libraries support and a simple way to compile and load programs onto the board. The Arduino Programming Language is essentially a framework built on top of C++....