JavaScript Loops and Scope

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that offers a lot of flexibility to developers. However, there is one feature of JavaScript that can cause some confusion when it comes to loops and scoping. In this article, we will explore this feature and provide some tricks to work around it using var and let declarations. Let’s start with an example: const operations = [] for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { operations....

Let vs Const in JavaScript: Making the Right Choice for Variable Declarations

When it comes to declaring variables in JavaScript, we often have two options: let and const. But which one should you choose? In this article, we’ll explore the differences between let and const and discuss when to use each. By default, I always prefer using const for my variable declarations. Why? Because const ensures that the value of the variable cannot be reassigned. As a developer, I always strive to use the approach that poses the least risk....

What's the difference between using let and var in JavaScript?

When should you use let over var? And why? Let’s find out! In modern JavaScript, there are three ways to declare a variable and assign it a value: const, let, and var. When it comes to working with variables in JavaScript, my default choice is always const. It guarantees that the value cannot be reassigned, making it a safer option. However, when there is a need to redeclare a variable later on, I always use let....