Electronic Components: LEDs

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are essential electronic components for various applications and prototypes. They are easy to use and perfect for exploring different concepts. In this blog post, we will focus on 5mm LEDs commonly used for prototyping. An LED has two leads: the anode and the cathode. The anode is usually longer than the cathode. It is crucial to connect the anode to the positive lead (+) and the cathode to the negative lead (-) correctly to ensure the LED functions properly....

Understanding RGB LEDs: A Guide to Electronic Components

RGB LEDs are a unique type of LED that can display various colors based on their configuration. While traditional LEDs typically emit a single color, RGB LEDs combine red, blue, and green LEDs into one, allowing for a wide range of color options. In addition to the three primary color leads, RGB LEDs also feature a common pin. There are two types of RGB LEDs: common anode and common cathode. It’s essential to understand the type you’re working with as it affects how you build your circuits....