How to Inspect a JavaScript Object

Discover the various ways in JavaScript to inspect the content of an object (or any other value). JavaScript offers several methods to inspect the content of a variable. Specifically, let’s explore how to print the content of an object. The Console API console.log console.dir JSON.stringify() toSource() Iterating through properties using a loop How to inspect in Node.js Suppose we have the following object car, but we are uncertain about its content and wish to inspect it:...

How to log an object in Node.js

When it comes to logging objects in Node.js, things can be a bit trickier compared to doing so in a browser environment. The console.log() function in Node.js simply outputs the object as a string representation, which may not be ideal, especially for complex objects with nested properties. By default, Node.js will print [Object] as a placeholder when an object goes beyond two levels of nesting. However, there are a couple of ways to overcome this limitation and log the object in a readable format....