How I Overcame JavaScript Fatigue and Embraced the Ecosystem

A Quest to Tackle JavaScript Fatigue For the longest time, I dreaded working with JavaScript. The overwhelming changes in the JavaScript ecosystem caused me to experience what is known as “JavaScript Fatigue.” This feeling persisted for years until one day, everything changed. Finding Love for JavaScript My introduction to JavaScript dates back to the nineties when document.write statements filled my books. Around 2012-2013, the impending arrival of ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) flooded discussions everywhere....

The node_modules folder size: A Privilege, Not a Problem

My thoughts on the node_modules folder size debate In the world of JavaScript application development, the size of the node_modules folder has always been a topic of discussion. How can a simple application be 100, 200MB in size without even adding a single line of code? Take, for example, running npx create-react-app todolist, which downloads a whopping 218.7MB of “stuff”! (Yes, that’s the actual number). However, before we criticize the size of the node_modules folder, let’s think about the countless hours that programmers all over the world have put into creating and maintaining open-source software....