How I Transitioned My Course Platform to Notion: A Developer's Perspective

Over the course of 2+ months, I dedicated my time to developing a web app using Next.js, NextAuth.js, Prisma, SQLite, and other impressive technologies. However, as my focus slowly shifted away from the actual content, I realized that I needed to make a change. That’s when I decided to migrate my course platform to Notion. Take a look at how it turned out: Although I had used Notion on and off for a few years, this summer, I made the conscious decision to fully immerse myself in it....

What is the Best JavaScript Course for Web Developers?

In today’s world of web development, having a strong understanding of JavaScript is essential. JavaScript lies at the heart of everything, from building interactive websites to creating full-blown applications. It powers server-side runtimes like Node.js, and serves as infrastructure with tools like npm and npx. Quite simply, you can use JavaScript for almost anything. Having a solid grasp of JavaScript can greatly enhance your career prospects. But with so many JavaScript courses available, how do you choose the best one?...