An Introduction to Functional Programming with JavaScript

Introduction to Functional Programming Functional Programming (FP) is a programming paradigm that includes specific techniques. There are both purely functional programming languages like Haskell, Clojure, and Scala, as well as programming languages that support functional programming techniques, such as JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. While the concept of functional programming dates back to the 1930s with the birth of lambda calculus, it has gained significant momentum recently. This is the perfect time to learn about functional programming, especially through JavaScript examples....

Exploring SwiftUI: A Paradigm Shift in Apple Development

As a senior developer with a background in React, I recently embarked on a serious journey to learn SwiftUI, Apple’s modern UI framework for iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and watchOS. While I had dabbled with it in the past, I decided to give it another shot and dive deeper. My experience thus far has led me to some interesting observations. At first glance, SwiftUI bears a striking resemblance to React. From its declarative UIs to its embrace of immutability and data-driven UI changes, many of the core concepts introduced by React are present in SwiftUI....

Python Constants: Enforcing Immutability

In Python, enforcing the immutability of a variable as a constant can be challenging. However, there are a couple of approaches that can help achieve this goal. Using Enums as Constants One way to define constants in Python is by using enums from the enum module. Here’s an example: from enum import Enum class Constants(Enum): WIDTH = 1024 HEIGHT = 256 To access the value of a constant, you can use Constants....

The Importance of Immutability in React: Explained

In the world of React, immutability is a significant concept that plays a crucial role in the development process. Whether you agree with it or not, React and its ecosystem strongly encourage the use of immutability. It is essential to understand why immutability is so important and the implications it has. In programming, immutability refers to a variable whose value cannot be changed once it is created. You might not realize it, but you are already using immutable variables when working with strings....

The JavaScript Glossary: A Guide to Frontend Development Terminology

In frontend development, there are several terms that may be unfamiliar to you. This glossary provides explanations of these terms to help you better understand JavaScript and frontend development concepts. Let’s dive in! Terms Asynchronous Asynchronous code allows you to initiate a task, forget about it, and receive the result when it’s ready, without having to wait for it. An example is an AJAX call, where you can continue with other tasks while waiting for the response....