Conditionals in Go - A Guide to Using If and Switch Statements

In Go, conditionals are used to execute different instructions based on certain conditions. The primary conditional statement is the if statement, which allows you to perform actions when a condition is true. if age < 18 { // Do something if the age is less than 18 (underage) } The else part of the if statement is optional and can be used to specify what to do when the condition is false....

Debugging Go with VS Code and Delve: A Comprehensive Guide

Debugging is an essential part of the development process, and having a reliable and efficient code editor is crucial. One of the best code editors out there is Visual Studio Code (VS Code) by Microsoft. Its speed, stability, and extensibility make it an ideal choice for developers. If you’re a Go developer using VS Code, you might be wondering how to debug your Go programs. Fortunately, it’s super easy with Delve, a powerful debugger made specifically for Go by Derek Parker....

Deploying a Go Application in a Docker Container

If you’ve never heard about Docker, but that’s unlikely, the first thing you should know is that Docker allows you to run applications in isolation and with a great separation of concerns, yet allows them to communicate and interact with the external world. And you should know that everyone uses it, and every major cloud provider has a solution dedicated to running containers, so you should learn it! Install Installation changes depending on your system, so check https://www....

Getting Started with Go CPU and Memory Profiling

Profiling your Go applications is made easy by the Go ecosystem. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the package by Dave Cheney to easily debug and profile your programs. To get started, follow these simple steps: CPU Profiling Step 1: Download by running the following command: go get Step 2: Add profiling to the main() function of your command: package main import ( //....

Pointers in Go: A Guide to Using Pointers in Go Programming

In Go programming, pointers are an essential concept to understand. They allow you to directly access and manipulate the memory address of a variable. This blog post will guide you through the basics of using pointers in Go. Let’s start with an example. Suppose you have a variable called age with an initial value of 20. To get the pointer to this variable, you can use the ampersand (&) operator:...

Slices in Go: A Flexible and Powerful Data Structure

Slices in Go are dynamic data structures that provide flexibility and convenience when working with collections of data. While they are built on top of arrays, slices offer additional features that allow them to change in size dynamically. To define a slice, you can omit the length, similar to an array: var mySlice []string // a slice of strings You can initialize a slice with values: var mySlice = []string{"First", "Second", "Third"} // or mySlice := []string{"First", "Second", "Third"} To create an empty slice of a specific length, you can use the make() function:...