How to Resolve the `Can't Resolve Module` Error in Next.js

If you are encountering the Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs' error in Next.js, don’t worry, there is a simple solution. This error typically occurs when you attempt to import Node.js modules within a Next.js page, but fail to use the imported method within the getStaticProps() function. To illustrate, let’s consider the following code snippet: import { getData } from '../lib/data' //... export async function getStaticProps() { const data = getData() return { props: { data, }, } } In this example, if we comment out the line const data = getData(), Next....

Resolving the `module not found` error in Next.js

While working with Next.js and performing sanitization on a variable, you may encounter the following error message: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'net' This error indicates that a core Node.js module is missing. It is important not to run npm install net or any similar commands. If you have already attempted to install such modules, execute npm uninstall to remove them. The root cause of this issue is that Next....