Changing the Favicon in Gatsby

If you’re building a website using Gatsby and you want to change the favicon, it’s a simple process. Here’s how you can do it: By default, the favicon is set to static/favicon.ico. All you need to do is replace this file with your desired favicon image. If you’re using the gatsby-plugin-sharp plugin, the default favicon is src/images/gatsby-icon.png. However, you can customize this path and format. For instance, you can use an SVG image for your favicon....

How to Fix the \"Cannot Find Module gatsby-cli/lib/reporter\" Error in Gatsby

If you’re working on a Gatsby site and encounter the frustrating “Cannot find module gatsby-cli/lib/reporter” error, don’t worry - you’re not alone. Many developers have faced the same issue, and there is a simple solution to fix it. The Error When you run gatsby develop to start a local server, you may see an error message with red color in your terminal. The error typically looks like this: The Solution After conducting thorough research on GitHub and Stack Overflow, I finally found a solution that worked for me....

How to Load an External JS File in Gatsby

In modern JavaScript web development workflows, it’s common to install JavaScript via npm packages. However, there are situations where you may need to include an external JavaScript file, which can be a bit tricky with modern tools. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to include an external JavaScript file in a Gatsby site. The Challenge Let’s say we want to embed a video from Wistia in our Gatsby site. Wistia provides an HTML snippet to embed the video....

Server Side Rendering with React

Server Side Rendering (SSR), also known as Server-Side Rendering, refers to the process of rendering a JavaScript application on the server instead of the browser. There are several reasons why we should consider using SSR with React: Faster first page load time: SSR allows your site to load faster, enhancing the user experience. Improved SEO: Search engines struggle to efficiently index applications that rely solely on client-side rendering. SSR helps search engines understand and index your content correctly....