CSS Pseudo Classes

Learn the basics of CSS Pseudo Classes Pseudo classes are predefined keywords that are used to select an element based on its state or to target a specific child. They start with a single colon :. They can be used as part of a selector and are very useful for styling active or visited links, changing the style on hover, focus, or targeting the first child or odd rows. They are handy in many cases....

Introduction to CSS: Enhancing Your Web Pages' Visual Appearance

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language that plays a significant role in defining the visual appearance of an HTML page in a web browser. With its continuous evolution and the introduction of new features, CSS has become easier to use than ever before. In this blog, we will cover the following topics: What is CSS A brief history of CSS How does CSS look like Semicolons Formatting and indentation How do you load CSS in a Web Page 1: Using the link tag 2: using the style tag 3: inline styles What is CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style HTML files and instruct web browsers on how to render the elements on a web page....

The CSS margin property

The margin property in CSS allows you to add space around an element. It is important to understand the usage and syntax of this property. In this blog post, I will explain how to use the margin property and its various related properties. Specific margin properties The margin property consists of four related properties that allow you to alter the margin of a single edge at once. These properties are:...

Vue.js Component Props

Component Props play a crucial role in passing down state to child components. In this blog post, we will explore various aspects of props and how to use them effectively. Table of Contents Define a prop inside the component Accept multiple props Set the prop type Set a prop to be mandatory Set the default value of a prop Passing props to the component Define a prop inside the component Props allow components to accept data from parent components....

Vuex: The Official State Manager for Vue.js

In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of Vuex, which is the official state management library for Vue.js. We will discuss the reasons why you should use Vuex and how to create a Vuex store. Additionally, we will go through a simple use case to understand how Vuex works. Introduction to Vuex Vuex is a state management library for Vue.js that allows you to share data across components in your application....