Configuring the macOS Command Line: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve recently acquired a new MacBook Air or simply want to optimize your macOS terminal for development, follow these instructions to set up your command line tool to perfection. By default, the macOS terminal may not offer the optimal experience for developers. However, with a few adjustments and installations, you can transform it into a powerful tool. Begin by installing Homebrew, a package manager for macOS. Visit the official Homebrew website at brew....

How to Remove the Welcome Message in Fish Shell

If you’re using Fish Shell, you may have noticed that every time you open your shell, you are greeted with the message “Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell”. While this message can be helpful for newcomers, you might find it unnecessary and want to remove it. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of removing the welcome message in Fish Shell. To get started, you’ll need to open the config....

Persisting Aliases and Configuration in the Fish Shell

One often overlooked aspect of configuring the Fish Shell is the persistence of aliases and other settings. While it might be convenient to define these configurations on the fly within the terminal, it’s important to know that they will be lost after a system reboot. To avoid this, it’s recommended to add these configurations to the ~/.config/fish/ file. For instance, let’s say we want to set the ls command as an alias for exa, a modern replacement for the conventional ls command....

The Command Line for Complete Beginners

Introduction to using the command line for complete beginners Using a computer with a mouse or touchpad is convenient, but there was a time when computers were only accessible through commands typed in a terminal. Even with today’s advanced technology, the terminal is still a powerful tool that unlocks capabilities beyond what a Graphical User Interface (GUI) offers. The terminal, or Command Line Interface (CLI), is not just for programmers. It is essential for any professional computer user....

The Fish Shell: An Introduction to the Best Shell for Developers

I have been using the Fish Shell for months now, and I can confidently say that it is the best shell I have ever used. While many people stick with Bash or use Zsh with tools like Oh My Zsh, Fish Shell offers a more powerful and customizable option right out of the box. Bash is a basic shell with limited configuration options, making it more suitable for running Bash scripts rather than as an interactive shell....