Communication Between Vue.js Components

Discover the different ways to make components communicate in a Vue.js application. Props The first way is by using props. With props, parents pass data down to their child components by adding arguments to the component declaration. For example: <template> <div> <Car color="green" /> </div> </template> <script> import Car from './components/Car' export default { name: 'App', components: { Car } } </script> Props are one-way, meaning data flows from the parent to the child....

The HTML `video` tag: A Guide to Embedding and Controlling Video Content

The HTML video tag is a powerful element that allows you to embed video content directly into your HTML pages. Whether you want to stream video from a webcam using getUserMedia() or WebRTC, or play a video source using the src attribute, the video tag has got you covered. By default, the video tag does not display any controls, meaning that the video will play without any visible way for the user to stop, pause, control the volume, or skip to a specific position....

Vue.js Events: Interacting with DOM Events

Vue.js provides a convenient way to handle DOM events using the v-on directive on an element. Being able to intercept events is essential in making Vue components interactive. What are Vue.js events? With Vue.js, we can intercept any DOM event using the v-on directive on an element. For example, if we want to perform something when a click event occurs on an element: <template> <a>Click me!</a> </template> We can add the v-on directive:...