The Object create() Method: A Complete Guide

Learn all about the create() method of the Object object in JavaScript. Introduced in ES5, the create() method is used to create a new object with a specified prototype. Usage To use the create() method, follow this syntax: const newObject = Object.create(prototype); For example: const animal = {}; const dog = Object.create(animal); The newly created object will inherit all the properties of the prototype object. You can also add new properties to the object that the prototype lacked by specifying a second parameter:...

Understanding JavaScript Strict Mode

JavaScript Strict Mode is an important feature introduced in ES5 that allows JavaScript to behave in a more controlled and predictable manner. By enabling Strict Mode, you can change the semantics of the JavaScript language and prevent common mistakes that can lead to bugs or unexpected behavior. Enabling Strict Mode Strict Mode is optional and not enabled by default as it could potentially break existing JavaScript code. To enable Strict Mode, you need to include the 'use strict' directive at the beginning of your code....